Among the Aspens
Among the Aspens

Among the Aspens


Oil on Canvas
16 x 20″

Plein air Painting

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We live in an area called the Rainbow, adjacent to Forest Service land which stretches for miles in every direction. The cabin in this painting is opposite my studio, and is stunning in the Spring, Summer and Fall when the Aspens are in full flight. The river is right in front of it. These cabins are leased long term from the Forest Service by families with a long history in this area. Most of them visited here as children in the holidays, and grew up with the magic of nature surrounding these simple wooden homes. They’re like time capsules, as there are many restrictions on how they are maintained and updated.

In the Fall, the access road to these cabins is closed, and they’re boarded up for the winter. Living here full time, we witness the ebb and flow of visitors – human and animal. We keep an eye on the cabins as we walk the river, as bears like to try and nest under decks or break in through windows or doors.


Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 17 × 21 × 2 in

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