In the Real World
“Drawing from life is an accumulation of subtle events made evident on a page. Unlike photography, drawing is not instantaneous, but rather is sequential. Drawing can provide the viewer with a relic of compounded experiences that remains alive to the eye.”
Steven Assael
If you follow me on social media, maybe you’ve noticed that I rarely post any more. There’s so much noise and chaos in cyberworld, that few people noticed I quietly left the room a while ago. It’s really nice outside. The sun is shining and plants are growing. The air is clean and satisfying to breathe. The sky is big and interesting. I no longer take photos with my iPhone all the time, mentally planning a post to share every beautiful moment. I’m enjoying the moment. I’m living in the real world again.

This break from seeing through a small, rectangular screen has ‘cleaned’ the way I experience life again. It’s like the 90’s! As an art student, I looked and sketched more than photographed. And if I did take a photo, it was with a film camera. I had to plan my image with care and attention. I couldn’t afford to dash off 100 frames, over examining every angle of a pinecone or wave. The work was intentional, slower.
The transformation of my vision became obvious when I went outside to paint at Washoe Meadow recently. I deliberately didn’t frame the landscape with my iPhone before starting work, which has become my habit. In fact, I didn’t take any pictures at all. What emerged was a much more expansive view of the world around me, more akin to meditation than ‘creating content’ for the masses.

One of my collectors, Pam Mckenna happened to be walking with her friend, and saw me working. She took this photo from a distance without me knowing, and I think it’s a beautiful, old-school photograph captured with excitement in the moment. I was standing up to stretch, to get back into my body after a long period of work. I forget myself when I’m drawing and painting. It’s wonderful.

If you’d like to purchase one of these drawings, they are $500 and include a custom frame. Contact me if you’d like to come to the studio and see them in person.