Frederika Newton

Frederika Newton (2020)
Oil on Canvas
20 x 20″

  The Huey P. Newton Foundation was started by David Hilliard and Fredrika Newton to develop and sponsor cultural, historical and educational programs and institutions consistant with the theories and teaching of Huey Newton and the philosophy and ideology of the Black Panther Party. Huey P. Newton founded the Black Panther Party during the late 1960’s to organize and train African Americans to protect themselves against official violence. As the Party evolved, Newton professed the development of programs for the Black community and the philosophy of self-help. Fredrika Newton joined the Black Panther Party (BPP) in 1969. She met Huey Newton in 1970, marrying him eleven years later in 1981. They lived together until Newton was killed in 1989. In 1993 Fredrika Newton joined with David Hilliard to establish the Huey P. Newton Foundation, a non-profit educational organization. Serving as the Foundation’s President, she operates the community-based programs, which include literacy, voter outreach and health-related components.

Sources: Sparticus Educational   Online Archive of California

Learn more: The Huey P. Newton Foundation


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